Onion Pickling Paris Silverskin

Botanical Name: Allium cepa

350 seeds
Availability: Unavailable online
NZD 4.60

A very popular and quick-growing variety for crisp, sweet, white pickling onions, often known as 'cocktail' onions. they will grow well on almost any soil, even on light, poor land. They prefer a sunny position. Matures in only 8-12 weeks.

We hope you enjoy these vegetable seeds, just another great example of  vegetable seeds from Mr Fothergill’s!

Product Specifications
How To Grow

Sow all year round, 5mm (¼”) deep, in rows 15cm (6”) apart. No thinning is necessary but keep plants well watered, particularly in dry weather. Grows well in almost any soil, but grows best in well dug and manured ground. Prefers a sunny position. Seedlings emerge 10-14 days.

Harvest when the size of marbles for the best pickles. To pickle onions, peel onions and place in a bowl of brine (85g of salt to 475ml of water). Leave for 24hrs, pour off brine solution, rinse onions thoroughly in cold water, shake dry, pack tightly into clean jars and cover with cold pickling white vinegar.

Make successive sowings every 4-6 weeks for a continuous supply of sweet, white pickling onions.

When To Plant

All year round as required.

Harvest All year round as required.
When to Sow/Plant Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter

Our Seed Guarantee

If you are not completely satisfied with these seeds Mr. Fothergill's will gladly replace them for free. Performance subject to growing conditions.

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Pickled Onions

Pickled Onions


1kg small onions 1 1/2 tablespoons salt 3 cups malt vinegar 2 tablespoons honey 1/2 cup granulated sugar 8 small chillis (omit if you don’t want the extra heat!) 3 inch piece of root ginger (cut into 1cm pieces) 1 teaspoon whole coriander seeds 1 teaspoon mustard seeds 1/2 teaspoon whole black peppercorns 2 allspice berries 2 whole cloves 2 bay leaves


1. Trim the ends off of each onion and place them in a heat-proof bowl. Pour boiling water over them and let them sit for a minute. Then drain, rinse with cold water and remove the peels. 2. Place the peeled onions in a bowl, sprinkle with the salt and toss to distribute the salt. Cover with a towel or loosely with plastic wrap and let them sit at room temp overnight. Don't let them sit longer than 14 hours or so or the amount of "crunch" will be compromised. Rinse well and drain thoroughly. 3. To make the brine: Place all remaining ingredients in a medium saucepan and bring to a boil until the sugar is dissolved. 4. While the brine is simmering, pack the onions into sterilised jars. Pour the hot brine over the onions (pour through a sieve to collect the spices) and then distribute the spices among the jars. Place lids on jars and wipe down with a clean, damp cloth. 5. Let the onions cool and then place them somewhere at room temp to mature for at least 3-4 weeks before eating, preferably 6-8 weeks for best flavour. Once opened store them in the fridge where they will keep for 3+ months.